Access map

The Eiffel Tower is accessible to all publics on public transport and cars.

Find out how to come here

On the Metro

You can travel to the Eiffel Tower on different Metro lines. Find out which stations serve the Eiffel Tower

Visit the RATP's website

On the RER

You can travel to the Eiffel Tower on line C of the RER. Find out which station serves the Eiffel Tower

Visit the RATP's website

By bus

You can travel to the Eiffel Tower on different bus routes. Find out which stops serve the Eiffel tower

Visit the RATP's website

By Vélib

Velib is 24/7 self-service bike hire service. A pleasant way to travel to the Eiffel Tower is by riding through the streets of Paris! !

Voir le site Velib

By car

If you want to come to the Eiffel Tower in your car we suggest you park in one of the covered car parks close to the tower such as the quai Branly less than 300 metres from the Tower! !

Book your parking place in the car park of the Musée Branly

By boat

You can travel to the Eiffel Tower by boat along the Seine

Visit the Batobus website